Building Your Salon Goals and Mindset

Let’s begin by understanding salon goals and mindset. You have to get really clear on how you want your business to serve you. Do you you have clarity on what your salon goals are in terms of financial, social and professional needs?

We work on refining your vision and getting crystal clear on your goals, because, if you don’t know what your salon goals are, you will never achieve them. Then we work on your mindset, developing your intelligent and emotional strength so you have the conviction needed to get the job done. We help you transform your mindset from “I can’t do it” to “I can and will make it happen!”.

Building your mindset

This is the most overlooked aspect of running a business. In order to make long-lasting change, you need to have the ability to block out the stress, anxiety and overwhelm that you struggle with on a daily basis. To knock out limited beliefs and consistently operate in a beautiful state of mind.

Obstacles to achieving salon goals

It’s impossible to get caught up in the constant challenges of running a business and not be frustrated. As both a salon owner, and a salon business coach, I work daily on my mindset so I can continue to create and perform at the highest level. This is something you will need to start doing too. 

Building salon goals and a powerful mindset is key to make long-lasting change and blocking the stress

Here are the Key Steps:

  • Create a detailed vision board of goals for your business and personal life. As visual artists, this is so helpful and valuable. It allows us to create and visualize the perfect “10” for ourselves. These images become our guide towards transformation.
  • Develop a road map for your business with actionable milestones for accountability.
  • Work on creating time and space in your daily life (both work & personal). You will learn and commit to a calendar and learn how to intentionally create space to do the things that are important in your success.
  • Learn how to use effective outsourcing for things that are taking you away from the business and personal time.
  • Integrate self care into your daily routine. This includes things like exercise, diet, nutrition and meditation.
  • Train your mind. The mind is the most powerful piece of technology you own. But if you don’t know how to use it properly, to achieve goals, then it will serve you in the wrong way.

I work extensively on the power of mindset. Visit our testimonials page if you want to learn more and see how our clients build a powerful mindset for success.

Check our full list of articles specifically for salon owners and beauty professionals.