Team meetings play a crucial role in fostering collaboration, improving communication, and boosting morale within your salon. (Learn more about how conduct the ultimate staff meeting here!)

That said, they can sometimes become monotonous and uninspiring. To inject a sense of fun and excitement into your meetings, we’ve compiled a list of 10 engaging activities that will not only break the routine but also help uplift the team’s spirits!

Let’s explore these fun ways to stir up those team meetings and enhance overall morale.

  1. Icebreaker Games: Kick off your team meetings with a short icebreaker game to get everyone energized and connected. Consider activities like two truths and a lie or “this or that” questions. If you’re meeting is done virtually, consider virtual scavenger hunts or having each person change their background to their favorite vacation spot or favorite sitcom character. These interactive games encourage team members to share personal anecdotes, fostering a positive and friendly atmosphere.
  2. Themed Meetings: Add a dash of creativity by incorporating themes into your team meetings. Choose a different theme for each meeting and encourage team members to dress up accordingly. It could be as simple as a favorite movie character day or a specific color theme. Themed meetings help inject excitement and create memorable experiences for the team.
  3. Recognition and Appreciation: Take time during your team meetings to recognize and appreciate the achievements and contributions of team members. Be specific and celebrate what actions align with your salon values. This can be done through shout-outs, certificates, or even small rewards. Recognizing and appreciating individuals’ efforts not only boosts morale but also encourages a culture of appreciation within the team.
  4. Guest Speakers: Occasionally invite guest speakers to share their insights and expertise during team meetings. These speakers could be industry experts, motivational speakers, or even employees from other departments within the organization. Their fresh perspectives and inspiring stories will provide a refreshing change and stimulate the team’s creativity and motivation.
  5. Team-Building Activities: Integrate team-building activities into your team meetings to promote collaboration and strengthen relationships. Activities like virtual escape rooms, trivia quizzes, or collaborative problem-solving exercises can be both enjoyable and beneficial in building a cohesive and supportive team.
  6. Change of Environment: Break the monotony by occasionally holding team meetings in a different setting. If possible, take the meeting outdoors, visit a local coffee shop, or reserve a meeting room with a unique ambiance. Changing the environment can refresh the team’s mindset, inspire creativity, and add an element of excitement to the proceedings.
  7. Brainstorming Games: Inject some creativity into your team meetings by incorporating brainstorming games. Activities such as “What If” scenarios or improvisation exercises encourage team members to think outside the box and contribute their ideas freely. This fosters a culture of innovation and creates an engaging atmosphere during meetings.
  8. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate team and individual milestones during your meetings. Whether it’s a work anniversary, project completion, or personal achievement, taking the time to celebrate milestones reinforces a positive work environment and motivates team members to strive for success.
  9. Fun Challenges: Introduce fun challenges that team members can participate in during team meetings. It could be a quick trivia question, a riddle to solve, or a mini competition related to the meeting topic. These challenges not only add an element of excitement but also encourage active participation and engagement from all team members.

Conclusion: These small changes to your meetings can make a HUGE impact on your salon culture and team morale. You are reminding your team that you don’t view them as worker bees, you see them as individual people with hopes, dreams, hobbies, and lives that are worth sharing!

Salon Cadence is a coaching company specifically for beauty salon and hair salon business training. We work with salon, spa & barbershop owners, managers, suite renters and stylists & tecnicians looking to increase their success.

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